Sunday, March 9, 2008

Weight Loss Diet Willpower


The limbic lobe is the seat of our emotions and willpower. The limbic lobe activates the hypothalamus which controls our drives and instincts and ability to remain calm, relaxed, meditative, and strong. The limbic lobe can be triggered and affected by scents. Smelling can affect instinctive or mindless behavior. An emotional state can also trigger unconscious and impulsive action. One emotions can be manipulated with the use of smells.

Feelings can be controlled by smelling certain scents. For example a vanilla scent in a house on the market seems to increase its chances for a sale. It is thought that vanilla gives people a sense of hominess. Scents can drive one into a meditative state, calmness, self-confidence, and magnify willpower as they produce quick and unconscious reactions. They can also help us gain control our willpower and any irrational responses we have to the situation.

The ancient art healing through Aromatherapy is based on this premise; it uses the essential oils of herbs and plants to treat stress and anxiety as well as other ailments. The Trademarked "EVEROMA Therapy" is better than Aromatherapy as it uses the healing principles of Aromatherapy along with a trademarked three step program to program the mind to associate powerful willpower and other physical body effects to appear on command whenever the Everoma user wants them.

With the Everoma we can exercise better control over our will power. It helps in gaining control over such cravings as nicotine, food, sweets and irrational spending habits. It can also help us relieve the stress that causes insomnia, depression, and can restore powerful self-confidence.

The Everoma is an amazing blend of six essential oils which have to programmed and used in three steps. The 3 Step Program is quick and easy to use, and it gets stronger the more you use it. Step one involves capturing a super strong moment and step two involves locking in the super power with everoma and third using that super power whenever you feel you need it. It is always there, small and discreet, ready for you to use it quietly and unnoticed.

The oils that are a part of Everoma are available in six bullets. The scent of onyx is a strong dark power that allows you to overcome cravings for food. Secondary uses include physical willpower, controlling destructive habits, self-confidence, and refreshes stress free willpower. Platinum allows you to develop super-willpower and calm strength that will let you walk right past the most tempting foods. Secondary effects include physical willpower.

The Silver Bullet gives a steady calmness and a strong even willpower, which helps in overcoming the strongest cravings. Secondary effects include soothing the mind to remove stresses causing weakness and bestow willpower for weight loss and exercise. The ruby calms the mind and lets you think clearly. It gives self-confidence and helps to fight off urges to binge on food or other self-destructive behavior. Purple-Power is a powerful enhancement for both men and women. It gives the desire to be strong, and powerful performance. Emerald gives the willpower to be calm and in control, helps to fight off cravings. Its secondary effects include giving you the deep strength to overcome depressive urge to overeat, have low self-confidence, lazy habits, or self-destructive activities.

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